About Me: Hi! My name is Makayla Alexander and I am the Kindergarten teacher here at Saint Joseph School. I recently graduated in May 2023 from the University of Wisconsin- Green Bay. I was born in lower Michigan but have lived in Green Bay for most of my life. I enjoy being with friends and family, and traveling. My favorite place that I have traveled to is Cancun, Mexico. This school year what I look forward to the most is watching my students grow.
Things we are working on in the classroom
Math - addition to 10 Reading - decoding CVC words, rhyming, blending and segmenting phonemes, nouns and verbs Religion - Lent, how God made all of us special Science - Dental Health Social Studies - United States, symbols of the United States
Specials' Schedule
Phy. Ed. - Thursday & Friday Music - Monday & Tuesday Spanish - Monday & Friday Art - Wednesday Art Integration- Friday
things to work on at home
Tying shoes Address and Phone Number Sight words Letter recognition/sounds Number recognition to 100 Counting to 100 Prayers - Our Father, Guardian Angel Prayer, Meal Prayer